New contract signed

GD Granit AD Skopje has signed a Contract with the Public Enterprise for State Roads of Republic of Macedonia. Contract name: Restoration and Rehabilitation of state road A1, section Negotino -Demir Kapija.

The value of the contract including VAT is 305,620,000 denars. The performance deadline is 42 months.

Working under the FIDIC “Rainbow” Suite of Contracts

Seminar overview

FIDIC is the leading standard form of construction contract in use on international projects, as well as being the favoured form of major development banks such as the World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Understanding the philosophy, structure and risk allocation in these contracts is essential for anyone working with this form.
This seminar, delivered by Pinsent Masons LLP – Associate members of FIDIC and official FIDIC advisors to the European International Contractors Association – will provide an introduction to the FIDIC “Rainbow” Suite of Contracts and explain some of the key practical, legal and contractual issues arising under this form. The seminar will also include a detailed review of the key concepts of “Time” and “Money” before concluding with a practical review of the claims and dispute resolution procedures under FIDIC.
Delivered from a practical legal perspective, this seminar will highlight international best practice in using this form of contract and include an interactive workshop session based on real life examples.
As FIDIC prepares to issue new editions of its Red, Yellow and Silver books, this seminar will also look at the changes which may be made to these contracts.

Who Should Attend

Because of the prevalence of the FIDIC form of contract (including contracts based on the FIDIC form), this seminar will be ideally suited to anyone involved in construction and engineering projects, both within Macedonia and internationally.
The session will be of particular interest to contractors, engineers, employers’ representatives and any other parties involved in construction and engineering projects.
As well as being of interest to those who already work and are familiar with the FIDIC form of contract, this seminar will also provide a useful introduction to those new to this form of contract.

For more information please click here.

Notice to the shareholders: Dividend payments

We inform the shareholders that the Company will commence with the payment of the dividend before 15.09.2016, as a date determined with the adopted Decision for payment of the dividend no.12-9141 on the Shareholders meeting for 2016. The payment will begin from 26.08.2016

For the need of timely completion of the information of the shareholders, for the payment of the dividend for 2015, the shareholders need to submit a copy of document stating the bank account number and copy of identity card with signed statement (attached).

Shareholders who have received dividend for the previous years, if the information are still valid, do not need to re-submit these information.

The information should be submitted at the following address:

GD Granit AD Skopje

Dimitrie Cupovski 8, Skopje

– for dividend 2015

For any additional information reach: 02 3218 713


Granit AD Skopje on this year’s meeting of shareholders for 2016 adopted the following decisions:

1. Decision on adoption of the Annual Accounts for 2015 (download PDF),

2. Decision on adopting the Consolidated Financial Statement of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2015 (download PDF)

3. Decision on adoption of the financial reports of GD Granit AD Skopje in 2015 (download PDF)

4. Decision on adopting the Annual report on the operations of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2015 (download PDF)

5. Decision on adopting the Audit report on the Annual accounts and financial reports of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2015 (download PDF)

6. Decision on adopting the Supervisory Board’s Report on the Annual accounts and financial reports for 2015 of GD Granit AD Skopjе (download PDF)

Decision on adopting the Internal Audit Annual report for 2015 (download PDF)

8. Decision on approving the work of the Company’s Management and Supervisory Board members (download PDF)

Decision on distribution of profits of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2015 (download PDF)

Decision on dividend payment for 2015 (download PDF)

Decision on selection of auditing firm to audit the annual accounts and financial statements of the Company for 2016 (download PDF)

Decision on amending and appending the Articles of Incorporation of GD Granit AD Skopje (download PDF)

Decision for selection of a new independent member of the Supervisory Board of Granit AD Skopje (download PDF)


Construction of motorway Miladinovci – Stip – Sv. Nikole

The launch of two major infrastructure projects on the territory of Macedonia in January increased the mobility for the successful execution of projects by the Company as it opened two new regional entities specializing in the performance of projects and RE Highway Kicevo-Ohrid and PE Highway St. Nikole Stip.

In the early summer of 2014, with the introduction of GRANIT into the work for the two infrastructure projects on time approached towards preparing the ground for the construction of projects and then creating new jobs.

New and modern machinery was purchased as well as appropriate training of workers and staff in order for the full engagement of the facilities of the company.