Design and construction of highway Banja Luka-Doboj section Banja Luka-Prnjavor

Highway Banja Luka-Doboj is part of the north-south future pan-European Corridor V-c and is located in the Republic of Srpska.

The highway will have 4 new tracks (two double tracks) with a length of 35,3km (out of which 14,12km has been awarded to Granit AD Skopje)

From the west towards the east between Banja Luka and Prnjavor is the eastern section of the planned highway with a length of 71,91km which is connecting Banja Luka to the new Corridor V-c near Doboj. In one direction the average width is 10.7 meters which consists of two lanes that have 3.75 meters width and one lane for stopping and has striped markings.

The project will provide facilities for maintenance of the highway, centers of maintenance, sensors to monitor traffic, communcation equipment, signaling and patrol vehicles.

Within the project there are planned facilities for users such as resorts, petrol stations and car parks, as well as pay-tolls.

The highway is located between the river Vrbas and from a hydrographic aspect is densely intersected with smaller rivers like Gumjera, Crkvena reka, Lishnja, Ilova, Osinnja. The highway is crossing through the municipalities Laktashi and Prnjavor.

Award for Best Manager and Best Company in Europe for 2015

The prestigious European event “Best European Manager” which this year was held for 32-nd time, for the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, SouthEast and Central Europe was awarded to Mr. Strasho Milkovski – the President of the Management Board at GD Granit AD Skopje. Also the company “Granit” was awarded First Position from the industry for the stated region. This exceptional and internationally verified award was issued by the independent regional Agency – the European Association of managers and the prestigious magazine “Euromanager” to Mr. Strasho Milkovski and the company “Granit” for the many years of successful work and achievements with high developmental quality. Continue reading “Award for Best Manager and Best Company in Europe for 2015”