Contracts signed in April 2016

Here are the latest contracts that GRANIT has signed in the month of April.

1. Investor: Public Enterprise for State Roads
Scope of contract: Improvement of landslides 2 LOT 2: Lakavica – Negotino km 7 + 200;
Delcevo – Berovo km 2 + 700-2 + 900; Bitola – Novaci km 1 + 900
Contract value: 72,733,356 MKD
Performance deadline: 12 months

2. Investor: UNDP Programme for United Nations Development
Scope of Contract: Rehabilitation and stabilization of the landslide on the regional road
section Krupiste – Probishtip
Contract value: 14,549,803 MKD
Performance deadline: 8 months

