The Annual Assembly Meeting will be held on 23.05.2024 (Thursday) at 11:00 o`clock.
Public call for the shareholders of Granit AD Skopje for shareholders meeting 2024. (Download PDF)
Materials for the agenda items:
1. Annual account of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023
– Separate Balance and Income Sheet (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adoption of the Annual Account (Download PDF)
2. Consolidated Annual Account of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023
– Consolidated Balance and Income Sheet (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adopting the Consolidated Annual Account of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023 (Download PDF)
3. Financial Statements of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023
– Consolidated Statements (Download XLS); Separate Statements (Download XLS)
– Proposal decision on adoption of the financial statements of GD Granit AD Skopje in 2023 (Download PDF)
4. Annual report on the operations of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023 (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adopting the Annual report on the operations of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023 (Download PDF), questioners KKY (Download XLSX)
5. Independent Audit report and separate financial statements of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023 (Download PDF) and independent audit report and consolidated financial statement (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adopting the Independent Audit reports and separate and consolidated financial Statements of GD Granit AD Skopje for 2023 (Download PDF)
6. Annual report of the Supervisory Board for 2023 of GD Granit AD Skopje (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adopting the Annual Supervisory Board Report for 2023 of GD Granit AD Skopjе (Download PDF)
7. Internal Audit Annual Report for 2023 (Download PDF)
– Proposal decision on adopting the Internal Audit Annual report (Download PDF)
8. Proposal decision on approving the work of the Company’s Management Board and Supervisory Board members (Download PDF)
9. Proposal decision on distribution of profits of GD Granit AD Skopje (Download PDF)
10. Proposal decision on dividend payment (Download PDF)
11. Proposal decision on selection of auditing firm to audit the annual accounts and financial statements of the Company for 2024 (Download PDF)
Instructions for participation on the Assembly:
Proposal for chairperson, recorders and attestors of minutes (download PDF)
Voting by correspondence (Download PDF)
– Form for voting by correspondence for legal entities (Download PDF)
– Form for voting by correspondence for individuals (Download PDF)
Statement for protection and using private data
Authorization by proxy (Download PDF)
– power of attorney for legal entities with the instructions (Download PDF)
– power of attorney for individuals (Download PDF)
Announcement for participation with precents on the meeting
Letter for announcement legal (Download PDF)
– Letter for announcement for individuals (Download PDF)
Asking questions (Download PDF)
New entries (Download PDF)

Dear Shareholders,
To the Management Board of GD Granit AD Skopje, by group of shareholders was delivered a proposal decision by shareholders for item 10 of the Agenda. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
The Management Board, after holding a session on 29.04.2024, prepared an Explanation for the proposed decision and its explanation, for the shareholders’ insight. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
The company invites all shareholders to exercise their right to vote in any of the ways established in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies.
For voting by correspondence and by proxy, additions were made to the forms in accordance with the additional proposed decision for item 10 of the agenda as follows:
– Voting by correspondence for natural persons with 2 proposed decisions for item 10 of the agenda. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
– Voting by correspondence for legal entities with 2 proposed decisions for item 10 of the agenda. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
– Power of attorney for legal entities with 2 proposed decisions for item 10 of the agenda. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
– Power of attorney for natural persons with 2 proposed decisions for to item 10 of the agenda. (DOWNLOAD PDF)
All shareholders who have already delivered their votes by correspondence as of April 29, 2024, if they wish to vote again on item 10 of the proposed agenda, are invited to do the same by filling in the additional ballot for voting by mail. of correspondence for point 10 published on the official website of the Company. Shareholders who until the day before holding the Assembly of Shareholders will not call for an additional vote according to point 10, the voting by correspondence performed until 29.04.2024 is considered valid according to the declaration in the ballot itself for voting by correspondence.
Additional ballot by correspondence for natural persons who exercised their right to vote as of 04/29/2024 (DOWNLOAD PDF)
Additional ballot by correspondence for legal entities that exercised their right to vote by 29.04.2024 (DOWNLOAD PDF)
Notification for proxies: Pursuant to Article 5 of the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies published in Sl. Gazette of RSM No. 248/2018, GD Granit AD Skopje informs all authorized persons who are authorized by more than one shareholder to participate in the work of the upcoming Assembly, for the given powers of attorney to notify the Securities Commission of RSM no later than five working days days before the Assembly, i.e. no later than May 14, 2021. When reporting, authorized persons should use the form for reporting by a proxy to a shareholders’ meeting, published on the website of the RSM Securities Commission and on the website of GD Granit AD Skopje. (download PDF)